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origin story

Goal Line Partners was founded by Vada Capital in response to a real need they saw most small businesses have beyond their request for investment. For the past 20 years, Vada has actively invested in and partnered with small businesses predominately based in Western Canada. In the process, it typically looks at 100+ potential investments every year. And even though each business is unique, the story is very often the same. The business has a compelling vision of where they want to get to, but need some fundamental tools, processes, and advice to get there. Hence, Goal Line Partners was born to fill this void.

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goal line partners


Learn why we launched, what we offer, and the benefits of membership.

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our team

We have worked with a lot of small businesses

We’ve seen it all from start-ups to mature businesses, from seed investment to high-value exit, from high-growth success stories to those who have failed and need to restructure to start again.

We are a diverse team of experienced business professionals that bring an investor’s lens to help you work on your business. We value transparency and straight talk. We like to get into the sore spots and problem areas. We are disciplined to resist spending too much time looking at past results to ensure focus on the forward view. We help you get to your goal line and have fun doing it.  

Goal line team